Worship Service: Sundays, 9:30-11:00 a.m. - 1020 N. Rutherford Blvd., Murfreesboro, TN 37130


Philosophy of Music

God created music and shared it with humanity. What an incredible, glorious gift! The music ministry at Trinity seeks to steward that gift well for the glory of God and the building up of his church.

This stewardship takes on some particular forms in the life of the church. We steward the gifts of those who are musically gifted by providing opportunities to serve and develop their gifts; but we also believe that music ministry is not just for the musically talented. We believe that God calls all his people to sing, and that singing plays a crucial role in the worship and community of the church. As we sing with and to one another songs of praise and confession, celebration and thanksgiving, faith and lament, we praise him according to his design for us and build one another up in the faith. Whenever we make music, whether as a congregation, or when our choirs sing or instrumentalists play, we recognize that God is the audience, and the whole congregation is on the stage, worshipping him as we sing or as we actively listen.

We believe that the songs we sing in worship teach us and form us, so we take our song selection very seriously. We maintain a relatively fixed catalog of songs so that the congregation can learn and sing them well. Here are a few of the qualities we seek to cultivate in our catalog of congregational songs:
  • biblical faithfulness
  • emotional and topical diversity (as reflected in scripture)
  • beauty
  • liturgical suitability (for the part of the service in which the song appears)
  • variety of time period and style (as we sing with the church through the ages)
  • singability (so as to support our participation and unity in singing)
  • reflecting both the reality of current circumstances and our longing for new creation

How can I get involved?

We prioritize identifying, stewarding, and cultivating the musical gifts of our congregation. The following opportunities are primarily how we do that. Please contact Kimberly Robertson at music@trinitymboro.com if you would like to get plugged in.

The Music Team

The Music Team leads the congregational singing in gathered worship and on special occasions. The team is a group of volunteer singers and instrumentalists who serve on a rotating schedule. The service is led primarily from the piano, accompanied by additional instruments (such as strings, woodwinds, or guitar) when available. These musicians also provide the instrumental elements of our services. We rehearse on Sunday mornings prior to our corporate worship service. Our musicians have a variety of experience and skill level, but are typically not beginners. If you sing or play an instrument, the music team may be a great place for you to offer your gifts to the church.

The Trinity Choir
The Trinity Choir is open to youth (6th grade and up) and adults who are interested in singing choral music. The choir ranges from very experienced singers to beginners and is a great place for people who want to sing to grow in confidence and enjoy community. The choir offers anthems in our annual Lessons and Carols service, during Holy Week in the spring, and at occasional other times throughout the church year. We rehearse on Sunday evenings according to a seasonal schedule. If you are interested in singing, we would love to have you! Click below to sign up.
The Children's Choir
The Children's Choir meets seasonally on Sunday mornings to prepare children's anthems for Palm Sunday and during Advent.